You offer wonderful advice that needs to be seen. This is what your post made me realize – people rely on recommendations for books, especially the recommended classics, because books are huge. Movies can be condensed into a one minute trailer to let people decide if they might want to watch it. But you cannot one minute trailer a novel.
Readers’ Digest gave shortened versions of books. Magazines would publish a chapter. I assume someone will use an AI program to set up a way for a user to say I want books that have the following types of language (like you describe), and not these types of language, in this genre such as young adult science fiction, and written in English or in another language. The program could deliver a 3 sentence description (I have no idea what it would include) leading to the user selecting ones of interest to then receive a paragraph on the author if AI can assemble one, and one page from the book from the middle of it. Anyway, that is what your post made me think.
You offer wonderful advice that needs to be seen. This is what your post made me realize – people rely on recommendations for books, especially the recommended classics, because books are huge. Movies can be condensed into a one minute trailer to let people decide if they might want to watch it. But you cannot one minute trailer a novel.
Readers’ Digest gave shortened versions of books. Magazines would publish a chapter. I assume someone will use an AI program to set up a way for a user to say I want books that have the following types of language (like you describe), and not these types of language, in this genre such as young adult science fiction, and written in English or in another language. The program could deliver a 3 sentence description (I have no idea what it would include) leading to the user selecting ones of interest to then receive a paragraph on the author if AI can assemble one, and one page from the book from the middle of it. Anyway, that is what your post made me think.